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our neighborhoods

Our approach is to center the concerns of residents in the development of this equity platform. We want to ensure that we are building a better future that is informed by past successes and is inclusive of “unheard” voices. We plan to organize around the following eight geographic areas:

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Our aim is to engage neighborhood area representatives from each geographic area that can share information, experiences, and knowledge from part of the city, and inform the coalition about neighborhood context, needs, priorities, and solutions. They will provide the lived experience expertise of residents in order to ensure that the equity platform remains anchored by community voices.


We encourage all community advocates (community organizations, interest groups, or interested residents) to participate in the process of building this platform and coalition. Our hope is to support advocates in the work they are doing locally and ensure the platform is centered on the most pressing needs in our neighborhoods.

Interested in Neighborhood and Community Efforts?

We’re inviting neighborhood groups and residents to join the Equitable and Just Greater Pittsburgh Cross-Community Network!

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