In 2016, All-In-Pittsburgh (AIP) was established with the goal of institutionalizing equity and empowering community voices in Allegheny County. This equitable development agenda was intended to ensure everyone participates in and benefits from the region’s economic transformation—especially low-income residents, communities of color, immigrants, and others at risk of being left behind. Over the last three years, many individuals and organizations have contributed their time, expertise and experiences to AIP with a focus on access to quality affordable housing, economic opportunity through entrepreneurship & jobs, and institutionalizing equity within government. Representatives from different sectors within our County came together to restore the budget for the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), support House Bill 163, and to partner with the Pittsburgh Black Elected Officials Coalition (PBEOC) to require equity measurements within government to list a few accomplishments as we continued to push for equitable development. Even more importantly AIP continually convened a cross-section of people within our County who are passionate about this effort and continue to strive for equity within their work and neighborhoods.
So much has changed and continues to change in our county since AIP was initiated. It is therefore essential that All-In-Pittsburgh evolves to meet the needs of all Allegheny County residents in the face of new and some familiar and intersecting challenges.
We are expanding our focus from Housing and Entrepreneurship/Employment to also include Health, Climate/Environment, Transportation, Education and Food. Entrepreneurship/Employment is being redefined as Livelihoods, resulting in seven (7) areas of focus. We are also using a new name – Environmental Justice Pittsburgh Platform (EJPP) and will be coordinated by – UrbanKind Institute, Mongalo-Winston Consulting and Black Women, Wise Women.
In addition to promoting equity initiatives within and across the seven (7) topic areas above and within all neighborhoods in Allegheny County, we will be establishing an equity platform – values, principles, policies and outcomes that reflect an equitable future for Allegheny County. This is a shared effort that we will all have to build together.